Electronic music has been still alive for over 20 years. Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Raabe have contributed to carving out a piece of its history and showing how broad the spectrum of dance music can be. They started as DJs but found their own way by setting up the Extrawelt project, thus paving the way for a new musical path. Already their first single, released by James Holden's Border Community label, gave them an incredible promotion and secured a career that currently consists of tons of albums, remixes and countless live performances at the most exciting clubs and festivals worldwide. Their bold, electronic compositions dazzle listeners with depth and unique harmony. These two musicians appreciate playing live music that still reminds people of techno from the past while shedding light on the sound of the future.
fr. 24-09-2021, 20:00
Extrawelt live
Extrawelt live