12MAR '22sa, 20:00

Arandel | project InBach

Electronic concert with the audience
  • Szczecin Philharmonic String Quartet
  • Arandel (Sylvain) - percussion, electronics, vocals, flutes
  • Flore - electronics, vocals
  • Bettina - keyboards, electronics, flute
French producer Arandel (still anonymous to his fans), working on the border of electronic and avant-garde, in recent years has released two albums entirely based on Bach's music. Arandel's "In Bach" is one of the most original ideas for expanding the sonic spectrum of polyphonic compositions based on the extraordinary harmony created by Bach. Listening to the Prelude in C minor, one wonders whether it sounds better on originally tuned period instruments or "dressed" in sounds straight from synthpop. The strong beat used by Arandel in the C minor organ Passacaglia transforms this cult polyphonic piece into a hit from the best techno club.

By creating his project, the mysterious producer gained access to historical instruments such as the viola da gamba, the Érard piano, the clavichord and the 1940 ondioline synthesizer prototype. An extraordinary idea, the imagination of a few musicians, original instruments, and modern sound production techniques allowed an album that sounds like a perfectly produced pop based on motifs of Johann Sebastian Bach – a musician from the past unknown to some. "InBach" is like a tribute to contemporary culture with full respect for the works of Bach – poetic and innovative at the same time.

Arandel is a mysterious figure, just like Bach. Acting on the techno scene, he still tries to maintain his anonymity. He creates music without using ready-made samplers, sequencers or programmed synthetic sounds.

Bach is for everyone – says Arandel – and this discovery led me here to "InBach" (...) There are so many works by Bach that I didn't even know when I made the first album – but after it was released, people would still come telling me about certain pieces that I should listen to or rework, about compositions that I've never even heard of.

Arandel | project InBach
12-03-2022 20:00

March 2022
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02 MAR, wd, 20:00 - RALPH KAMIŃSKI – KORAkoncert zewnętrzny
03MAR '22th, 19:00
03 MAR, th, 20:00 - SZCZECIN JAZZ 2022: WALLACE RONEY JR – EMILIO MODESTEkoncert zewnętrzny
04MAR '22fr, 14:00
04MAR '22fr, 15:00
04MAR '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022DVOŘÁK | BRAHMSSymphonic concert with the audience
06MAR '22sn, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Die 12 Cellisten der Berliner PhilharmonikerKoncert kameralny / płatna transmisja online
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08MAR '22tu, 09:00
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08MAR '22tu, 11:00
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10MAR '22th, 19:00
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11MAR '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022CHOPIN | SCHUMANNConcert with audience / free online broadcast
12MAR '22sa, 09:00
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12MAR '22sa, 11:00
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18MAR '22fr, 14:00
18MAR '22fr, 15:00
18MAR '22fr, 19:00
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26MAR '22sa, 11:00
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26MAR '22sa, 19:00
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Newest VOD
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28MAR '22mn, 10:00
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28MAR '22mn, 12:00
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April 2022
01APR '22fr, 14:00
01APR '22fr, 15:00
01APR '22fr, 19:00
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02APR '22sa, 11:00
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05APR '22tu, 10:00
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05APR '22tu, 12:00
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05APR '22tu, 19:00
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07APR '22th, 19:00
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11APR '22mn, 19:00
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Newest VOD
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21APR '22th, 11:00
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22APR '22fr, 19:00
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